Vasilis Koutsomarkos – Fire Robustness Index

This Ph.D. project focuses on the development of a method for the assessment of a building’s robustness towards a fire event. Robustness is “the ability of a structure to withstand events like fire, explosions, impact or the consequences of human error, without being damaged to an extent disproportionate to the original cause”, and is related to the capability of units to withstand certain stress levels without losing their function. This study will undertake the conceptualisation, outlining, and application of a structured semi-quantitative methodology that can be employed for the assessment of fire robustness. Such a tool can assist designers consistently evaluate the various fire safety provisions in the built environment, while also support decisions about how the available resources will be spent to the best advantage.

Developing a Fire Robustness Index for the Built Environment


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Hear Vasilis discuss his project here